The Heart of Maine
This photo set begins with an autumn image that includes an antique 1925 Ford Pickup Truck on the outskirts of Dexter. I am surprised at how many people drive by this but hardly notice. It gets like that when we've been in an area a long time. The trick is to learn to see again, in a fresh way. I hope that the images I capture and create will aid in this. Image two shows a close-up of the writing on the top front of the Abbot Memorial Library. There are several autumn images. Image three on this page shows the old "leaning gray shed" that is next to Echo Lake (formally Puffers Pond) right across from Ridge View Community School (not to be confused with the Leaning Tower of Pisa). Image five shows a winter sunset as seen from High Street in Dexter. Image eight shows a view of the town center from upper Main Street Hill. Image nine on this page shows the Four Season Maine Adventure Trail that passes through Dexter where the old railroad tracks used to be.